The Anglican Diocese of Ballarat
49 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is a practice based on a monthly meeting (45-60 minutes) between a ‘seeker’ and a trained experienced director.
It is a different conversation to what might happen in pastoral or therapeutic counselling. Rather, the work of the meeting is to discern and consider the movement of God’s Spirit in the life of the ‘directee’.
It is a relationship of trust and openness, requiring a willingness to establish and maintain a daily practice of prayer, and a commitment to regular reflection.
Monthly meeting
45-60 minutes
There is normally a financial commitment in this work, negotiated between the directee and director.
Join us:
If you would like to explore the possibility of entering a Spiritual Direction relationship as part of your Christian life, please email our Cathedral Associate Priest:
Fr Grant Bullen